Social Icons


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Facebook Likebox

How To Add Facebook Comment Box To Blogger Blogs

Facebook comment box is one of the useful tool for bloggers to increase conversations. Recently Facebook has launched many social plugins for bloggers and web developers and one such is improved Facebook comment box. So here in this post I will teach you how to add/integrate Facebook comment box to blogger in simple steps. Before getting into the process I recommend you to back up your template and previous comments in blogger wont be visible if you use Facebook commenting system.

Step 1 : Visit Facebook developer page and enter your blog name, URL and click on Create application.

Now copy the App ID and save it in a notepad

Step 2: Login to you Blogger dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML and check on Expand Widget Templates. Search for the code <data:post.body/> or <div class='post-header-line-1'/> and paste the code below <data:post.body/> or <div class='post-header-line-1'/> and save the template.


<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

  <div id='fb-root'/>
  window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
  FB.init({appId: &#39;APP ID&#39;, status: true, cookie: true,
  xfbml: true});
  (function() {
  var e = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); e.async = true;
  e.src = document.location.protocol  +
  e.async = true;

Change the APPID on the code with your APP ID provided from Facebook and save the template.

Step 3: Now you need to hide default blogger commenting system. So navigate to Settings > Comments and select hide and save settings



 Note: Using Facebook Comments will hide your blogger comments. So use this comment box wisely.

Monday, 30 July 2012

BSNL router Config | BSNL with Digisol (DG-BG4011N,DG-BG1000) router configuration

One of my friend purchased a Digisol  router to use with BSNL broadband. He was having a tough time configuring it so he asked me to help. I am hereby writing this post so that other can get help. You can use the following steps to configure your DIGISOL or any other router with your BSNL broadband all over the country

Steps to configure the router for BSNL broadband (settings): BSNL router Config

  1. Connect the Digisol wireless router  to power outlet and to your existing BSNL line(coming through a ADSL splitter)  and turn on the power.
  2. Connect your laptop with wireless connection. The name of the connection will be Digisol_ (By default).
  3. Now open in your internet browser(you can use any internet browser). It will ask your to enter user name and password. You can get the user name and password from the back of the router.                                                                            By default : User name: admin Password: admin
  4. Now go to Internet Settings from the left sidebar.
  5. Choose the VPI as 0 and VCI as 35. You can connect your internet both through PPPoE or Bridge mode, but I suggest to use PPPoE so that all PC get almost same priority and share.
  6. Choose UBR without PCR in the service category.Choose UBR without PCR in the service category.             
     7. Now fill in your Login id and Password that you use to connect to your internet. Do not change the rest of the settings. Click on Apply button. That is all you need. Choose other settings like Keep Alive and Enable NAT. You are done now you will see a green internet light blinking on the router.                                                                                                                              

8. You change the Wi-fi Security option at Wreless Settings At th Left side